Implant Dentures – Huntsville, OH

Giving Your New Smile a Sturdy Foundation

Bearded man standing outside stretching his arms

Many people who wear traditional dentures are probably all too familiar with the embarrassing experience of having their prosthesis slip when they’re trying to chew or speak. If you’re looking for a more stable way to replace multiple teeth at once, it might be worth considering implant dentures; thanks to sturdy dental implants, your new teeth will stay exactly where they’re supposed to be at all times! If you’re thinking about rebuilding your smile with implant dentures, call us today to set up a consultation with Dr. Kevin Grill.

Why Choose Northwest Family Dental of Huntsville for Implant Dentures?

  • Start-to-Finish Dental Implant Treatments
  • State-of-the-Art Dental Technology
  • Dental Team That Treats Patients Like Family

What Are Implant Dentures?

Illustration of implant dentures in Huntsville, OH for lower arch

An implant denture is a denture that has been attached to a number of screw-like posts known as dental implants. The key trait that makes dental implants unique from other forms of tooth replacement is that they are surgically placed into the jawbone. This allows them to act as artificial tooth roots that keep your dentures anchored in place.

When you get an implant denture, it can be fixed, or it can be made to be removable. Here’s a brief comparison of these two options:

Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures

A fixed implant denture will only ever be removed when you visit your dentist. The rest of the time, it will always stay inside your mouth. This makes taking care of a fixed implant denture relatively simple; you can just brush and floss like you normally would. You will generally need anywhere from four to eight dental implant posts to support a fixed implant denture.

Removable Implant Dentures

Removable implant dentures are attached to the implant posts via clips or ball sockets, allowing you to take them out of your mouth at any time. An advantage of removable implant dentures is that they can often be supported will just two to five implant posts. Keep in mind, though, that you will need to take your dentures out of your mouth to clean them properly.

The Implant Denture Process  

Senior woman with glasses sitting in dental chair

An initial consultation will be needed to confirm whether you’re able to get dental implants (as well as whether any preliminary work will be required). The surgery to place the dental implant posts into your jaw can be performed right here in our office. We will wait for the posts to finish fusing with the bone before placing abutments on them. The last step is to have the final denture made so that it can be attached to the implants.

Am I a Candidate for Implant Dentures?

Senior man with glasses standing in front of wall smiling

An implant denture can be used to replace all of the teeth in a single row. It may be a good fit for you as long as you’re a viable candidate for dental implants; that means having a healthy mouth as well as plenty of bone density in your jaw. We’ll need to examine your mouth in order to determine for sure whether you’re eligible for dental implant surgery.

Benefits of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

Senior woman with umbrella standing and smiling

Dentures that are attached to dental implants have more biting force, allowing you to enjoy a wider range of foods for a more varied diet. Additionally, the implant posts will provide stimulation in the jaw that would normally come from your tooth roots, which can put a stop to bone deterioration. Finally, dental implants can last far longer than traditional tooth replacement options, especially if you’re diligent about caring for them.